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H1 Aardappel, groente, fruit
- Beekink, M. (2023, 27 maart). Is gedroogd fruit een verstandige keuze? Gezondheidsnet. [Geraadpleegd op 15 januari 2023], van
- Kuperus, N. (2023, 21 januari). Groenten eten in het bijbehorende seizoen? Wij zetten ze op een rij. RTL Nieuws. [Geraadpleegd op 22 januari 2023], van
- Li, L., Pegg, R. B., Eitenmiller, R. R., Chun, J. Y., & Kerrihard, A. L. (2017). Selected nutrient analyses of fresh, fresh-stored, and frozen fruits and vegetables. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 59, 8-17.
- Rickman JC, Barrett DM, Bruhn CM. (2007). Nutritional comparison of fresh, frozen and canned fruits and vegetables. Part 1. Vitamins C and B and phenolic compounds. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 87, 930-44.
- Rickman JC, Bruhn CM, Barrett DM. (2007). Nutritional comparison of fresh, frozen, and canned fruits and vegetables II. Vitamin A and carotenoids, vitamin E, minerals and fiber. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 87, 1185-96.
- Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu. (z.d.). Groenten. Wat eet Nederland. [Geraadpleegd op 10 januari 2023], van
- Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu. VCP (Rapport 2019-2021).
- Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu. (2023, 5 juli). Voedselconsumptiepeiling. [Geraadpleegd op 18 januari 2023], van
- Voedingscentrum. (z.d.). Aardappelen. [Geraadpleegd op 9 januari 2023], van
- Voedingscentrum. (z.d.). Waar kun je fruit het beste bewaren? En hoelang? [Geraadpleegd op 12 januari 2023], van
- U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (2018, 7 september). Food Defect Levels Handbook. [Geraadpleegd op 20 januari 2023], van
H2 Rijst, pasta, granen
- (z.d.). Graansoorten. [Geraadpleegd op 8 januari 2023], van
- Nederlandse Voedsel- en Warenautoriteit. (2016). Arseen in rijstwafels: Resultaten van onderzoek naar arseengehaltes in rijstwafels op de Nederlandse markt. April 2016.
- Von Büren, M., Stadler, M. & Lüthy, J. (2001). Detection of wheat adulteration of spelt flour and products by PCR. European Food Research and Technology, 212, 234-239.
H3 Zuivel, eieren
- Aune D., Norat T., Romundstad P., Vatten LJ. (2013). Dairy products and the risk of type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of cohort studies. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 98, 1066-83.
- Bermejo, L. M., López-Plaza, B., Santurino, C., Cavero-Redondo, I., & Gómez-Candela, C. (2019). Milk and Dairy Product Consumption and Bladder Cancer Risk: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies. Advances in nutrition (Bethesda, Md.), 10(2), S224-S238.
- Chen M., Sun Q., Giovannucci E., Mozaffarian D., Manson JE., Willett W.C., et al. (2014). Dairy consumption and risk of type 2 diabetes: 3 cohorts of US adults and an updated meta-analysis. BMC Medicine, 12, 215.
- Gibson R.A., Makrides M., Smithers L.G., Voevodin M., Sinclair A.J. (2009). The effect of dairy foods on CHD: a systematic review of prospective cohort studies. British Journal of Nutrition, 102, 1267-75.
- Hu D., Huang J., Wang Y., Zhang D., Qu Y. (2014). Dairy foods and risk of stroke: a meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular diseases, 24, 460-9.
- Qin L-Q., Xu J-Y., Han S-F., Zhang Z-L., Zhao Y-Y., Szeto I.M. (2015). Dairy consumption and risk of cardiovascular disease: an updated meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 24, 90-100.
- Ralston R.A., Truby H., Palermo C.E., Walker K.Z. (2014). Colorectal cancer and nonfermented milk, solid cheese, and fermented milk consumption: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 54, 1167-79.
- Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu. (z.d.). Zuivel en zuivelvervangers. Wat eet Nederland. [Geraadpleegd op 17 januari 2023], van
- Rong, Y., Chen, L., Zhu, T., Song, Y., Yu, M., Shan, Z., Sands, A., Hu, F. B., & Liu, L. (2013). Egg consumption and risk of coronary heart disease and stroke: dose-response meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies. BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 346, e8539.
H4 Peulvruchten, noten, zaden
- Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries. (2019, 24 april). Exporting pine nuts to Europe. [Geraadpleegd op 30 januari 2023], van
- Naghshi, S., Tutunchi, H., Yousefi, M., Naeini, F., Mobarak, S., Asadi, M., & Sadeghi, O. (2023). Soy isoflavone intake and risk of cardiovascular disease in adults: A systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies. Critical reviews in food science and nutrition, 1-15. Advance online publication.
- Rong, Y., Chen, L., Zhu, T., Song, Y., Yu, M., Shan, Z., Sands, A., Hu, F. B., & Liu, L. (2013). Egg consumption and risk of coronary heart disease and stroke: dose-response meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies. BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 346, e8539.
H5 Vlees, Vis, Vega
- Albert Heijn. (z.d.). AH Biologisch Kipfilet. [Geraadpleegd op 4 februari 2023], van
- He F.J. & MacGregor G.A. (2010). Reducing Population Salt Intake Worldwide: From Evidence to Implementation. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases, 52, 363-382.
- Milieucentraal. (z.d.). Biologisch of niet? [Geraadpleegd op 7 februari 2023], van
- Milieucentraal. (z.d.). Vlees, vis of vega? [Geraadpleegd op 11 februari 2023], van
- Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu. (z.d.). Vlees en vleesvervangers. Wat eet Nederland. [Geraadpleegd op 3 februari 2023], van
- Nederlands Visbureau. (z.d.). Interessante links. [Geraadpleegd op 15 februari 2023], van
- Voedingscentrum. (z.d.). Biologisch. [Geraadpleegd op 8 februari 2023], van
H6 Bakkerij, banket
- Arora, K., Ameur, H., Polo, A., Di Cagno, R., Rizzello, C., & Gobbetti, M. (2021). Thirty years of knowledge on sourdough fermentation: A systematic review. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 108, 71-83.
- Hemery, Y., Rouau, X., Lullien-Pellerin, V., Barron, C., & Abecassis, J. (2007). Dry processes to develop wheat fractions and products with enhanced nutritional quality. Journal of Cereal Science, 46, 327-347.
- Wu, Y., Qian, Y., Pan, Y., Li, P., Yang, J., Ye, X., & Xu, G. (2015). Association between dietary fiber intake and risk of coronary heart disease: A meta-analysis. Clinical nutrition (Edinburgh, Scotland), 34(4), 603-611.
H7 Beleg, ontbijtgranen
- Clifton, P. M., & Keogh, J. B. (2017). A systematic review of the effect of dietary saturated and polyunsaturated fat on heart disease. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases, 27(12), 1060-1080.
- Fresco, L.O. (2023). Ons Voedsel. Prometheus.
- Pimpin, L., Wu, J. H., Haskelberg, H., Del Gobbo, L., & Mozaffarian, D. (2016). Is Butter Back? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Butter Consumption and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes, and Total Mortality. PloS one, 11(6), e0158118.
- Warenwetbesluit Cacao en chocolade. (2014, 13 december). [Geraadpleegd op 2 maart 2023], van
- Warenwetbesluit verduurzaamde vruchtenproducten. (2017, 1 juli). [Geraadpleegd op 3 maart 2023], van
H8 Koffie, thee, water
- Albert Heijn. (z.d.). AH Vitamin Drunk Mango Guave 0% 6-pack. [Geraadpleegd op 5 maart 2023], van
- Cano-Marquina A., Tarin J.J., Cano A. (2013). The impact of coffee on health. Maturitas, 75, 7-21.
- Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek. (2021, 22 september). Supermarkten verkopen steeds meer duurzame voeiding. [Geraadpleegd op 18 maart 2023], van
- Coca-Cola. (z.d.). Zit er cafeïne in Coca-Cola producten? [Geraadpleegd op 12 maart 2023], van
- Ding M., Bhupathiraju S.N., Chen M., van Dam R.M., Hu F.B. (2014). Caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee consumption and risk of type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and a dose-response meta-analysis. Diabetes Care, 37, 569-86.
- Ding M., Bhupathiraju S.N., Satija A., van Dam R.M., Hu F.B. (2014). Long-term coffee consumption and risk of cardiovascular disease: a systematic review and a dose-response meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies. Circulation, 129, 643-59.
- EFSA. (2015). Scientific Opinion on the Safety of Caffeine. EFSA Journal, 13(5), 4102.
- EFSA NDA Panel (EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products Nutrition and Allergies). (2015). Scientific Opinion on the safety of caffeine. EFSA Journal, 13(5).
- EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies (NDA). (2011). Scientific Opinion on the substantiation of health claims related to caffeine and increased fat oxidation leading to a reduction in body fat mass (ID 735, 1484), increased energy expenditure leading to a reduction in body weight (ID 1487), increased alertness (ID 736, 1101, 1187, 1485, 1491, 2063, 2103) and increased attention (ID 736, 1485, 1491, 2375) pursuant to Article 13(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1924/20061. EFSA Journal, 9(4), 2054.
- Gezondheidsraad. (2015). Richtlijnen goede voeding 2015. Gezondheidsraad: Den Haag, publicatienr. 2015/24.
- Institute for Scientific Information on Coffee. (2015). The good things in life: can coffee and caffeine improve sports performance? Van
- Killer S.C. et al. (2014). No Evidence of Dehydration with Moderate Daily Coffee Intake: A Counterbalanced Cross-Over Study in a Free-Living Population. PLoS ONE, 9(1), e84154.
- Maughan R.J., Griffin J. (2003). Caffeine ingestion and fluid balance: a review. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietics, 16, 411-20.
- Milieu Centraal. (z.d.). Koffie. [Geraadpleegd op 6 maart 2023], van
- Millán J., Pintó X., Muñoz A., Zúñiga M., Rubiés-Prat J., Pallardo L.F., et al. (2009). Lipoprotein ratios: Physiological significance and clinical usefulness in cardiovascular prevention. Vascular Health and Risk Management, 5, 757-65.
- Paluska S.A. (2003). Caffeine and exercise. Current Sports Medicine Reports, 2(4), 213-9.
- Urgert R., Katan M.B. (1997). The cholesterol-raising factor from coffee beans. Annual Review of Nutrition, 17, 305–24.
- Voedingcentrum. (z.d.). Cafeïne factsheet. [Geraadpleegd op 22 maart 2023], van
H9 Smaakmakers
- Appel L.J., Brands M.W., Daniels S.R., Karanja N., Elmer P.J. & Sacks F.M. (2006). Dietary approaches to prevent and treat hypertension. A scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Hypertension, 47, 296-308.
- Beyreuther K., Biesalski H.K., Fernstrom J.D., Grimm P., Hammes W.P., Heinemann U., Kempski O., Stehle P., Steinhart H., Walker R. (2007). Consensus meeting: monosodium glutamate – an update. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 61(3), 304-13.
- Brown I.J., Tzoulaki I., Candeias V. & Elliot P. (2009). Salt intakes around the world: implications for public health. International journal of epidemiology, 38, 791-813.
- Cordain L., Eaton S.B., Sebastian A., Mann N., Lindeberg S., Watkins B.A., O’Keefe J.H. & Brand-Miller J. (2005). Origins and evolution of the Western diet: health implications for the 21st century. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 81, 341–354.
- Elliot P., Walker L.L., Little M.P., Blair-West J.R., Shade R.E., Lee D.R., Rouquet P., Leroy E., Jeunemaitre X., Ardaillou R., Paillard F., Meneton P. & Denton D.A. (2007). Change in salt intake affects blood pressure of chimpanzees: implications for human populations. Circulation, 116, 1563-1568.
- Geerling J.C. & Loewy A.D. (2008). Central regulation of sodium appetite. Experimental physiology, 93, 177-209.
- Geha R.S., Beiser A., Ren C., Patterson R., Greenberger P.A., Grammer L.C., Ditto A.M., Harris K.E., Shaughnessy M.A., Yarnold P.R., Corren J., Saxon A. (2000) Review of alleged reaction to monosodium glutamate and outcome of a multicenter double-blind placebo-controlled study. Journal of Nutrition, 130(4S), 1058S-62S.
- Nederlandse Voedsel- en Warenautoriteit. (2022, 27 juni). Handboek Etikettering. [Geraadpleegd op 20 maart 2023].
- He F.J. & MacGregor G.A. (2010). Reducing Population Salt Intake Worldwide: From Evidence to Implementation. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases, 52, 363-382.
- He F.J., Marrero N.M. & MacGregor G.A. (2007). Salt and blood pressure in children and adolescents. Journal of human hypertension, 1-8.
- Mensink R.P., Zock P.L., Kester A.D.M., Katan M.B. (2003). Effects of dietary fatty acids and carbohydrates on the ratio of serum total to HDL cholesterol and on serum lipids and apolipoproteins: a meta-analysis of 60 controlled trials. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 77, 1146-55.
- Tarasoff L., Kelly M.F. (1993). Monosodium L-glutamate: a double-blind study and review. Food chemical toxicology, 31(12), 1019-35. [Geraadpleegd op 10 april 2023].
H10 Olie
- Farvid M.S., Ding M., Pan A., Sun Q., Chiuve S.E., Steffen L.M., et al. (2014). Dietary linoleic acid and risk of coronary heart disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies. Circulation, 130, 1568–78.
- Mozaffarian D., Micha R., Wallace S. (2010). Effects on coronary heart disease of increasing polyunsaturated fat in place of saturated fat: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. PLoS Med, 7, e1000252. [Geraadpleegd op 15 maart 2023].
- Neelakantan N., Seah J.Y.H., van Dam R.M. (2020, 13 januari). The Effect of Coconut Oil Consumption on Cardiovascular Risk Factors: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Clinical Trials [published online ahead of print]. Circulation. [Geraadpleegd op 4 april 2023], van 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.119.043052.
H11 Snoep, koek, chips, chocolade
- Arts I.C., Hollman P.C., Feskens E.J., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., Kromhout D. (2001). Catechin intake and associated dietary and lifestyle factors in a representative sample of Dutch men and women. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 55, 76-81.
- Avena N.M., Long K.A., Hoebel B.G. (2005). Sugar-dependent rats show enhanced responding for sugar after abstinence: evidence of a sugar deprivation effect. Physiology & Behavior, 84(3), 359-62. [Geraadpleegd op 12 april 2023].
- Avena N.M., Rada P., Hoebel B.G. (2008). Evidence for sugar addiction: behavioral and neurochemical effects of intermittent, excessive sugar intake. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 32(1), 20-39. [Geraadpleegd op 14 april 2023].
- Benton D. (2010). The plausibility of sugar addiction and its role in obesity and eating disorders. Clinical Nutrition, 29, 288–303. [Geraadpleegd op 16 april 2023].
- Buitrago-Lopez A., Sanderson J., Johnson L., Warnakula S., Wood A., Di Angelantonio E., et al. (2011). Chocolate consumption and cardiometabolic disorders: systematic review and meta-analysis. The BMJ, 343, d4488.
- Darand M., Hajizadeh Oghaz M., Hadi A., Atefi M., Amani R. (2021). The effect of cocoa/dark chocolate consumption on lipid profile, glycemia, and blood pressure in diabetic patients: A meta-analysis of observational studies. Phytotherapy Research, 35(10), 5487-5501. [Geraadpleegd op 20 april 2023], van doi: 10.1002/ptr.7183. Epub 2021 Jun 5. PMID: 34089280.
- Food European Commission. (z.d.). EU coordinated action “From the Hyves” (Honey 2021-2022). [Geraadpleegd op 5 april 2023], van
- Hebebrand J., Albayrak O., Adan R., Antel J., Dieguez C., de Jong J et al. (2014). “Eating addiction”, rather than “food addiction”, better captures addictive-like eating behaviour. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 47, 295-306.
- Jong J.W. de. (2015). Eating addiction? The nerves and fibers that control food intake. Utrecht University.
- Kadri, S.M., Zaluski, R., & de Oliveira Orsi, R. (2017). Nutritional and mineral contents of honey extracted by centrifugation and pressed processes. Food Chemistry, 218, 237-241.
- Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychiatrie. (z.d.). DSM-5. [Geraadpleegd op 10 april 2023], van
- Voedingscentrum. (z.d.). Chocolade. [Geraadpleegd op 12 april 2023], van
- Voedingscentrum. (z.d.). Clostridium botulinum en botulisme. [Geraadpleegd op 14 april 2023], van
- Voedingscentrum. (z.d.). Flavonoïden. [Geraadpleegd op 16 april 2023], van
- Warenwetbesluit Cacao en chocolade. (2017, 13 december). [Geraadpleegd op 18 april 2023], van
- Diabetesfonds. (z.d.). Hoeveel suiker eten we? [Geraadpleegd op 20 april 2023], van
H12 Frisdrank, sap
- Archibald, A. J., Dolinsky, V. W., & Azad, M. B. (2018). Early-Life Exposure to Non-Nutritive Sweeteners and the Developmental Origins of Childhood Obesity: Global Evidence from Human and Rodent Studies. Nutrients, 10(2), 194.
- Azad, M. B., Abou-Setta, A. M., Chauhan, B. F., Rabbani, R., Lys, J., Copstein, L., … & Zarychanski, R. (2017). Nonnutritive sweeteners and cardiometabolic health: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials and prospective cohort studies. CMAJ, 189(28), E929-E939.
- Gezondheidsraad, Richtlijnen goede voeding 2015. (2015). Gezondheidsraad: Den Haag, publicatienr. 2015/24.
- Geneva: World Health Organization. (2015). Guideline: Sugars Intake for Adults and Children. [Geraadpleegd op 15 april 2023]. Beschikbaar op:
- World Bank. (z.d.). Soft drink tax (SSB tax) around the world. [Geraadpleegd op 17 april 2023]. Beschikbaar op:
- Javier Ruiz-Ojed, F., Plaza-Díaz,J., Sáez-Lara, M.J. & Gil, A. (2019). Effects of Sweeteners on the Gut Microbiota: A Review of Experimental Studies and Clinical Trials. Advances in Nutrition, 10(Suppl 1), S31–S48.
- Jong, de M. (2017). Ons voedsel: H8 Additieven. Fontaine uitgevers.
- Lohner, S., Toews, I. & Meerpohl, J.J. (2017). Health outcomes of non-nutritive sweeteners: analysis of the research landscape. Nutrition Journal, 2017, 16, 55.
- Voedingscentrum. (z.d.). Lightproducten. [Geraadpleegd op 3 mei 2023], van
H13 Alcohol
- Biddinger, K., Emdin, C., Haas, M., Wang, M., Hindy, G., Ellinor, P., Kathiresan, S., Khera, A., & Aragam, K. (2022). Association of Habitual Alcohol Intake With Risk of Cardiovascular Disease. JAMA Network Open.
- Hormones, E., Key, T. J., Appleby, P. N., Reeves, G. K., Roddam, A. W., Helzlsouer, K. J., … & Overvad, K. (2011). Circulating sex hormones and breast cancer risk factors in postmenopausal women: reanalysis of 13 studies. British journal of cancer, 105(5), 709.
- Puckette, M. (z.d.). Red Wine vs White Wine: The Real Differences. [Geraadpleegd op 12 mei 2023], van
- Trimbos. (z.d.). Opname en afbraak van alcohol in het lichaam. [Geraadpleegd op 15 mei 2023], van
- Seitz, H. K., & Stickel, F. (2007). Molecular mechanisms of alcohol-mediated carcinogenesis. Nature Reviews Cancer, 7(8), 599-612.
- Voedingscentrum. (z.d.). Alcohol. [Geraadpleegd op 18 mei 2023], van
- World Cancer Research Fund International. (2018). Diet, nutrition, physical activity and cancer: a global perspective: a summary of the Third Expert Report. World Cancer Research Fund International.
H14 Sport, dieet
- Albert Heijn. (z.d.). Weight Care afslankshake vanilla. [Geraadpleegd op 22 april 2023], van
- Buijtenhuijs, D.W., et al. (2020). Risk assessment of caffeine in food supplements. Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu.
- EFSA NDA Panel (EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products Nutrition and Allergies). (2011). Scientific Opinion on the substantiation of health claims related to caffeine and increased fat oxidation leading to a reduction in body fat mass (ID 735, 1484), increased energy expenditure leading to a reduction in body weight (ID 1487), increased alertness (ID 736, 1101, 1187, 1485, 1491, 2063, 2103) and increased attention (ID 736, 1485, 1491, 2375) pursuant to Article 13(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006. EFSA Journal, 9(4).
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